The “G” family | Tacoma Family Photographer

We are really getting spoiled in the Pacific NW with beautiful sunny weather…loving it!  Saturday morning I met up with the “G” family at Owen Beach Park at Point Defiance.  We had to battle with the bright sun…but survived.  🙂 

It was so great to meet you guys!  What a beautiful family you have…

Here is a sneak peak of your session!


The “H” family | Seattle Family Photographer

This morning I drove up to the Washington Park Arboretum to have a session with my friend, Aimie & her family!  Aimie & I met through an online board when we were pregnant with our Nov ’06 babies…since then we both have had May ’08 babies as well!  I am truly grateful to her as she has really helped my business grow…as a client & also as my #1 referrer!  Thank you, Aimie!! 🙂

Please meet the “H” family…Jon, Aimie, Kate, Georgia & Theo…such a beautiful family!!!


Twins & their big sister | Seattle-Tacoma Family Photographer

I had so much fun today taking pictures of 8 month old twin boys (Danny & Luke) & their big sister, Ella.  Both the little guys had the most adorable red hair…loved it!  And big sister Ella was so cute & sweet!  Thank you “R” family for letting me into your home to take pictures of your kiddos!  Enjoy your sneak peek!

The “S” family

We had gorgeous weather all weekend & I was so happy it turned out to be a beautiful day for the “S” family’s session!  Their little 3-year old boy, Logan, was so darn cute…I just loved his glasses!  He was full of toddler energy…something I am used to.  🙂  His 8 month old baby sister, Jessica, was just adorable & has the most beautiful blue eyes.  Too cute!  I had a lot of fun!

Here is a sneak peak for you! 🙂

Summer is almost full!

My summer sessions have quickly been filling up.  I now only have 2 available sessions in August!  Of course, I always make room for newborns…so no worries there!  If you are expecting & would like a newborn session with me, please contact me with your due date, so I can pencil it in.  I prefer to do newborn sessions in the first 10 days of your little one’s life.  🙂

Pricing news – My portfolio building special is no longer being offered.  My creative fee is due upon booking a session.  I will however be discounting prints & collections by 25% through the end of August.  After this time, I will (finally) be charging my full prices.  🙂

Starting in June, I will be revamping my pricing structure…so be on the look out for a post about that soon!  

In the meantime…wanted to share a picture of my cutie, Elijah…

seattle wa newborn photography


Thank you for visiting my blog! Please do not hesitate to contact me to ask any questions you might have.




follow @jessicahamlinphotography

Located in Seattle, WA